Lyrasis Organizational Home

Organizational Home

Community-supported open-source technologies are critical components of open infrastructures for digital cultural heritage. The primary goal of the Lyrasis Organizational Home is to enable and support the communities that are working to build and sustain these technologies.

Core Principles

The Lyrasis Organizational Home strives to adhere to some core principles.

Mission Alignment
Community Supported Technology (CST) Programs in the Organizational Home are aligned with the Lyrasis mission to catalyze and enable equitable access to the world's knowledge and cultural heritage.
Transparent & Collaborative Stewardship
Lyrasis is committed to transparent, collaborative stewardship of CST Program costs and resources.
Nonprofit, Open-Source Ethos
Lyrasis operates the Organizational Home at-cost as a core component of its mission as a nonprofit and it is only available to programs who are committed to open-source licenses.
Committed Program Governance
CST Programs have established governance structures with responsible and engaged stakeholders driving fiscal, strategic and technical decisions.

Value Proposition

The Lyrasis Organizational Home is more than a fiscal host for Community Supported Technologies. Lyrasis provides added-value and is invested in the success of the CST programs who have their home here.

A neutral home beyond the borders of the originating institution(s)

Signals Lyrasis’ belief in the program’s technology and goals

Enables the  community to focus on program-specific needs & priorities

Part of a family of sister programs with common values, needs and interests

Access to a deep reserve of experience


Assessment Considerations

Lyrasis works in partnership with a CST program to assess whether or not the Organizational Home model is a good fit for that program. While every program is unique, here are some of the key considerations we will look at together.

Mission Alignment
Open Source
Community Support
Potential for Lyrasis to Add Value
Program Health/Sustainability