Open Research Infrastructure Programs
In addition to open access initiatives, Lyrasis serves as the US community home for three consortial programs designed to lower the barrier of participation for organizations of different sizes, missions, and constituencies to leverage best practices for open research infrastructure:
ORCID US Community – a national consortium and community of practice for nonprofit organizations that are members of ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor Identifier).
Lyrasis DataCite US Community – a national consortium and community of practice for nonprofit organizations assigning DataCite DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) to their local research and scholarly materials.
IRUS (Institutional Repository Usage Statistics) US Community – allows participating organizations to gather open, COUNTER-compliant usage statistics for materials in repositories.
Open Syllabus Analytics - Open Syllabus is a nonprofit research organization partnering with Lyrasis to provide subscriptions to their Analytics platform that supports their work in syllabus archiving.
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) and OAPEN Library Supporter Programs – a collective membership model to support this critical infrastructure service for open access scholarly books.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Academic Institutions Supporter Program – a collective membership model to support the critical infrastructure service for open access scholarly journals.