Solo Archivist ArchivesSpace Hosting
Affordable ArchivesSpace Hosting for Small Repositories
Are you a solo archivist at your organization? The “Solo Archivist” ArchivesSpace hosting tier is a special discounted hosting tier intended for the limited budgets of single archivists administering their collections. As a discounted service, its eligibility and functionality have limitations compared to our standard hosting tiers but can be an excellent way to get started with using ArchivesSpace.
The Solo Archivists hosting tier is limited to repositories with up to 1 FTE and a finding aid limit of up to 50 finding aids.
With the Solo Archivist hosting tier, you will have your own instance of ArchivesSpace with some limitations:
- 1 staff user login
- 1 repository
- No public interface
- No API access
- No data migration services (although self-importing data through the staff interface is possible)
Benefits and Features
- Lyrasis is the organizational home for the ArchivesSpace program
- Lyrasis is the only nonprofit Registered Service Provider
- Initial installation and ongoing upgrades of the community-supported ArchivesSpace code
- 5 hours of annual technical and user support by program experts
- Access to the ArchivesSpace Help Center user documentation and training videos
- Disaster backup and recovery
- 24x7 monitoring of the AWS servers and the ArchivesSpace software